Product safety and quality are important issues

Our clothing should be comfortable and long lasting. Quality that lives up to customers' expectations, that's why we subject them to TOUGH tests!

The more active kids are at playtime, the more wear their clothes have to stand up to, we encourage kids to be kids.

We treat quality with the utmost seriousness, we leave the "play" to children.

Testing durability

We use a method developed to test heavy duty workwear. This is done by mounting the fabric in a machine where it is rubbed against high grade course sandpaper. The test is stopped when two threads in the fabric have snapped.

The results are then measured in terms of how many rounds of abrasion it took. The higher the number, the more hard wearing the fabric.

Waterproof tests

Waterproof outerwear has a membrane on the reverse of the fabric which is made up of microscopic pores.

These pores are too small to allow water drops to penetrate through, which ensures the garment is water resistant.

How water resistant a garment is, is measured in "millimetre water columns" which show how much pressure the fabric can withstand before water starts to penetrate through the water resistant membrane.

How Waterproof?

A garment is classed as water resistant if it can withstand a water column of at least 3,000mm. For children to stay dry, even when sitting and playing in puddles, their outer clothing should be able to withstand at least 5,000 mm.

Much of our outerwear has a waterproof rating of 10,000


Our functional outerwear’s, that are water resistant, are manufactured with a coating, a waterproofing finish and fully taped seams to withstand moisture and wetness.

The woven outer fabric is coated on the inside. The coating is functional in that it resist water to a certain pressure, and at the same time emits water vapor, which make the fabric waterproof and breathable!

The outer fabric is also impregnated with a water-and dirt-repellent finish.

To prevent water leakage through the seams of the garment, the seams are taped. In this way, there are no holes in the product, where water can seep into.

The coating and finish, as well as the rest of the garment, is affected by mechanical processing, such as machine washing. We recommend to, in the greatest extent possible, wipe the garment of with a damp cloth rather than washing it, to increase its longevity. We also recommend re-impregnating the garment regularly every season. Waterproofing sprays can be purchased in various sports shops.